Thursday, June 16, 2011

Getting up in the mornings, during the week…

At one point I was doing really well.  I would clean house, wash clothes, or wash dishes during my time before work. 
See, in my former employment, and husband’s current employment, we would have to leave the house at 6am.  This meant rising before 6am with enough time to shower and make lunches.  Now, a perk of my current employment is that I’m 20 minutes away and work doesn’t start until 8am.  Essentially, I can get up at 7:00-7:10am and make it to work in plenty of time, provided I have clothes laid out and lunch already made. 
This is very tempting… especially now that husband has a habit of tucking me back in before he leaves in the mornings.  It’s a nice loving thing to do.  He’s very glad I no longer have to get up so early, or work in the same environment he does.  All the loving aside, it makes it much harder for me to get up and be productive because I often don’t realize it has happened until my phone alarm goes off at 7am. (That’s the ‘You MUST get up NOW’ alarm.)
While the sleep does me good, since we’ve been getting in better later and later the past few weeks, it’s not a good habit for me.  Husband’s intentions are good, so I don’t want to belittle them, but it has to stop.   Once I get home in the afternoons I want to do nothing, so it’s best if I do it in the morning… I feel more productive, and I’ve found that if I do something productive before work I’m more likely to do something productive when I get home.  Funny huh?
I could just get up before him, but that’s 5:15-5:20,am… ugh.  Maybe next week…

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