Monday, June 13, 2011

I am blessed...

"I am blessed, I am blessed, every day that I live I am blessed,
when I wake up in the morning, 'til I lay my head to rest, I am blessed, I am blessed... "

The rest of the words fade into the hum that plays in my head... my mother's voice and the melodious sound of a piano played by ear and embellished under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  (Two sentences and I must stop to control my tears.)  I see men and women of God, through the years of my childhood, putting aside all that was around them to be honest about their lives.  In the mist of heartache and pain they could stand and say through the tears "I am blessed". 

We forget sometimes, in the business of life, that the very fact that we do "wake up in the morning" is a blessing from the creator and Savior.  My lunch today, even though at the time I thought it unappealling, was a blessing.  It satisfied my hunger and provided nourishment for my body.  We forget that the pile of work on our desk, or the seemingly never ending line of customers, are blessings... they represent work, gainful employment, an opportunity to be a blessing to others.

At this present moment I am blessed with the remnants of a headache.  That is not sarcasm, but insight.  My head might not feel good, but I worked hard for that headache today and tonight I can relax in the peace and calm of a sturdy house while a storm begins to rage outside.  My efforts today pay for that house and thus I am double blessed... employment and a roof over my head.

When we speak of blessing, most of the time it's the happy things in life.  Often we choose to view things that aren't happy as problems.  We forget that they're often blessing as well.

I am blessed... I have a husband in good humor, food in the fridge for supper, clothes to wear tomorrow, gasoline in my automobile, an automobile to drive, a bed to sleep in tonight, internet access to study for the first section of the CPA exam (one of those things that doesn't look like a blessing at first glance), ... the list could go on and on, but I have to actually go study some time. Remember that fact that you wake every morning is a blessing and most everything else after that is as well.