Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sundays with Westminster 9.21.14

After a few weeks on the road, we made it back to church on a Sunday morning, and of course, it was exactly what I needed to hear. I'd had a hard week... up and down, impatient and irritable, motivated one moment and discouraged the next

Then our minister begins a sermon on missions.

We had a missionary in attendance, so the automatic assumption is that he's going to talk about world missions and how we are all called to be missionaries. But then he said something that spoke to my heart, just like God intended it to... As a SAHM, I have an important mission field -- the hearts of my children. I must remember that and not lose sight of the fertile soul before me OR the value of my efforts!

After the week I'd had, I needed to be reminded that HE called me to be a mother and wife and he equips those he calls. What a wonderful end to a emotional week!

If you'd like to listen to the sermon for some encouragement for yourself, here it is:

Sermon: What Is Your Missions Strategy? (click link to listen)
Romans 15:14-33
Rev. Mike Allen
Westminster Presbyterian, EPC

Just a few notes on the sermon:
I. Your Mission is Priestly in Nature
II. Your Mission is Powerful
III. Your Mission is Proactive
IV. Your Mission is Prayerful

"You will not understand your story, until you understand His story (Christ)."
Oh, SO true!

In Christ!
From One Saved Sinner to the Next

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