Over the past few months I have have half heartedly picked up various inspirational books that I have on the shelf in an attempt to add a devotional or sorts to my Bible reading. Nothing lasts for very long, whether it be from my ADD or just that God was pushing me until I found the things I needed at the time.
Last week, I pulled Stormie Omartian's "The Power of a Praying Woman" off the shelf. It has been read before, at least once in college... with a pencil... the sign of a good book for me. I felt drawn to it and the wisdom I knew it contained, even thought it's been years since I'd touched it.
Those of you who know me, know that I love to read, so it has been has been a little difficult to not sit and just read it through. Instead, I am taking it as slow as only portions of a chapter at a time. Do you know what? This morning I realized/admitted that I have developed a 'good enough mentality,' not the 'I am good enough' kind, but the 'if I can only be good enough'.
Wow! Where did that come from? How could I ever imagine that I could achieve 'good enough' for God's grace and blessing. That's the whole reason He came to earth, because we could never be good enough to atone for our own sins! How liberating, and humbling, it is to be reminded that I will never be good enough and that is OK. It doesn't mean that I don't strive to be better; it just means I know I am working toward a goal that my Saviour had taken care of for me. I still strive to attain it out of love and gratefulness.
That tidbit was not my actual intent for starting this post and, while awesome, I think will still share my original thought...
The first chapter of this book, The Power of a Praying Woman, has self test of sorts: Five Good Ways to Tell if Your Walk with God is Shallow. These points are very valid and speak to the selfishness of human nature, which is often what causes us to be shallow in many areas. Here they are for your own self-reflection:
- If you follow the Lord for only what He can do for you, your walk with Him is shallow. If you love Him enough to ask Him what you can do for Him, then your relationship is growing deep.
- If you only pray to God when things are tough or you need something, then your walk with Him is shallow. If you find yourself praying to Him many times a day just because you love to be in His presence, then your relationship is growing deep.
- If you get mad at God or disappointed in Him when He doesn't do what you want, then you walk with Him is shallow. If you can praise God no matter what is going on in your life, then your relationship with Him is growing deep.
- If you love God only because of what He does, then your walk with Him is shallow. If you love and reverence Him for who He is, then you relationship with Him is growing deep.
- If you think you have to beg God or twist His arm to get Him to answer your prayers, then your walk with Him is shallow. If you believe that God wants to answer the prayers you pray in line with His will, then your relationship with Him is growing deep.
Very well said. It's good to be reminded that it was by his grace, a gift I didn't deserve, that I now have life eternal. Lord let my walk with you grow deeper each day