Monday, September 16, 2013

Update on Operation Crawler Prep...

Ok, so my burst of cleaning motivation was over two weeks ago... And two days ago we put the chairs back around the kitchen table. Shows how much we eat at it currently. :-/

Has LO slacked off her on her efforts to become more mobile? No.
We had Labor Day weekend. Then we all had a round of allergy attacks. :-( Let me tell you sleeping on the floor one night is a nice break for my back... Six nights is more than enough!

We made it through it though. Labor Day night LO woke crying three times before we just went to sleep sitting up in the rocker, and then transitioned to the bouncy seat and floor for Mommy. She was a newborn the last time I had such a strong desire to sleep with my hand on her to make sure she was breathing. I did though, pretty much all night... Me propped on a 45 degree wedge pillow beside her, on my side, with my hand on her in her bouncy seat. We slept the whole night.

Fast forward a week and we get six month shots. :-/
We've been pretty useless since. Snuggling and all day nursing sessions in bed. ;-) Come to think of it, it's about time for a growth spurt.

Maybe, after we get all the clean clothes put away we'll think about kitchen cabinets again. Well, we think about them now, but maybe we'll actually open them up and take a look see.
Oh, wait first I have to disengage from the perpetual hungry person attached to me. ;-)

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